The Tolling of Firehouse Bells
The bells in firehouses throughout New York
Echoed in harmony that morn
Calling our brothers to the fight of their lives
Fulfilling the duty they’d sworn
All those who responded carry the scars
Some physical, and some not
Three-hundred-forty-three of whom never returned
More broken, yet all but forgot
So today as we gather in solemn remembrance
For those brothers who gave all
We also remember those men who returned
Who too, answered the call
Some brothers are wracked by survivor’s guilt
Some continue to ask why
Why they were spared the horror of that fate
Why they weren’t destined to die
In the midst of vast despair and destruction
Beyond comprehension in its scope
It was a picture of three firefighters raising a flag
That gave America hope
Firemen everywhere walked a little taller
Though hearts heavy with pain
This country leaned on the strength of these heroes
To help it stand tall once again
Neither firefighter nor civilian should ever forget
How helpless we felt that day
I fear if we succeed in softening these horrors
Our determination will fade away
As firefighters we could never be the same
Changed forever that morning
It’s our duty to keep these memories alive
So that others heed the warning
They echo still, those firehouse bells
Every day in our great nation
Calling firemen to the scene of yet another tragedy
Which depends on our dedication